Etienne Posthumus's avatar Etienne Posthumus shared 1 year, 5 months ago

So, I have stood up a "flagship" instance of Takahē, mostly because if I'm going to have an account for it, it needs to be running it:

Also that server is living proof of multiple domain support, if you check its frontpage list of users!

Here is a great discussion on ActivityPub by Andrew Godwin.

Turns out he is also writing his own server called Takahē built with Django and async.

These two features stand out:

  • The ability to have multiple domains on a single server

  • Runs easily on "serverless" hosting (no background processes)

Exciting stuff.

Once again Tailscale comes up with something ultra-cool:

"Tailscale Funnel You can now expose things from your Tailscale node to the big scary internet and we’ll tunnel it in to you, over Tailscale."

More details here:

Now, where was that Raspberry PI I wanted to boot up?

Tailscale Funnel Tailscale

I did not know about it in time, so can not attend, but this looks like a fabulous program:

Art and Algorithms

On November 17 and 18, 2022, a conference will be held on the topic of Art & Algorithms as part of the research project »Training the Archive.« On this occasion, renowned scholars will provide an overview of the current state of research in the application of algorithms in the context of art and museums.

Venue: Ludwig Forum Aachen Jülicher Straße 97-109, 52070 Aachen, Germany

Etienne Posthumus's avatar Etienne Posthumus shared 1 year, 5 months ago

Er zijn nu 230.926 #Wikidata straten voorzien van een #BAG id. En 1.766 Nederlandse straten hebben nog geen BAG id.

Redenen die ik tegenkwam: afwijkende spelling straatnaam, straat niet verbonden met gemeente, afwijkende spelling woonplaats, de straat is onlangs verdwenen en heeft nog geen 'datum van opheffing'.

Een #ToDo lijst van 1766 stuks op dus, feel free er een paar op te lossen!

Soms kom ik ook een dubbel voorkomende straat tegen, die merge ik dan.

stuk kaart van Nederland waarop honderden straten gemarkeerd zijn die het op Wikidata zonder BAG identifier moeten doen
Etienne Posthumus's avatar Etienne Posthumus shared 1 year, 5 months ago

It is profoundly intellectually lazy and offensive to the soul to think that the sum total of human expression could ever be mediated by any single entity.

I built the foundations of Twitter with my bare hands and watched in awe and sadness as it grew into a cynical temple of ego.

I delight in its destruction.
We're better off here.

Etienne Posthumus's avatar Etienne Posthumus shared 1 year, 5 months ago

That sounds fantastic! 🤩

Call for Participants: The Art Historical Image in the Digital Age

Florence, 26 June -- 7 July 2023

#digitalarthistory #summerseminar


Etienne Posthumus's avatar Etienne Posthumus shared 1 year, 5 months ago

Call for participation- Collections as Data. April 25-26, 2023. Vancouver. See:

Etienne Posthumus's avatar Etienne Posthumus shared 1 year, 5 months ago

Donderdag 1 december (19:00) organiseren we samen met @publicspaces een avond over het federatieve #internet en #Mastodon. (#fediverse) Wil je overstappen, een eigen instance runnen of leren van anderen? Kom langs! Toegang is gratis.

Tiny update to SHMARQL

Recently I learned about Het Nieuwe Instituut Linked Data environment. Of course I wanted to peek at the underlying data to get an idea of how they modelled stuff.

In doing so, it seemed useful to also have a n-triple or turtle view of an object that is being viewed. So I added some TTL and NT buttons.

Which means you can get a view like this, when clicking on a TTL button from the table view.

Het Nieuwe Instituut: Het Nieuwe Instituut Het Nieuwe Instituut: Het Nieuwe Instituut
Etienne Posthumus's avatar Etienne Posthumus shared 1 year, 6 months ago

Take the @ThePSF developer survey, it's closing in a few days. Seeing the stats for Flask and the rest of the #Python ecosystem is always helpful!

Python Developers Survey 2022
Etienne Posthumus's avatar Etienne Posthumus shared 1 year, 6 months ago

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass unser Beitrag "Knowledge Graph-basierte Forschungsdatenintegration in NFDI4Culture" (mit Tabea Tietz, Sasha Bruns, @heikef, @epoz, Torsten Schrade) auf der @DHd 2023 zum Vortrag angenommen wurde! ;-)

We are very happy to announce that our paper "Knowledge Graph-based Research Data Integration in NFDI4Culture" (with Tabea Tietz, Sasha Bruns, @heikef, @epoz, Torsten Schrade) has been accepted for presentation at @DHd 2023! ;-)

CU in Trier

An example on why it is useful to have full access to the software running my little corner of the Fediverse.

I had a lingering count of a pesky (1) always being visible in my Notifications count. No matter if I scrolled down, and viewed everything it would stay there. Figured out it was probably an "old" entry, which was not being set to read using the normal web UI. There is currently no "Mark all as read" link in the UI either.

BUT: I could log in to my server and say in SQL:

select rowid, created_at, is_new from notifications where is_new = 1;
# and once I had this pesky item...
update notifications set is_new = 0 where rowid = ?;

Voila! No more dangling notifications.

Etienne Posthumus's avatar Etienne Posthumus shared 1 year, 6 months ago

in reply to this note

Hashtags are great and should also be used liberally -that's how we find stuff we're interested in, across the fediverse. HOWEVER, Hashtags [can be difficult for people with visual impairment or ND people] so please use them [most of them] at the end of your post, in a hashtag block, not scattered throughout. One or two are okay.
Edited to add: CamelCase is more important for screenreaders!

#accessibility #CW #AltText #AntiRacism

Etienne Posthumus's avatar Etienne Posthumus shared 1 year, 6 months ago

If you download your #Twitter archive it arrives wrapped as a static HTML page, which is not very useful for doing anything with, and worse: it requires the original account to be still active to do useful things like enlarge the images since they use links.

So here's a #Python script to convert a Twitter archive to #markdown or other formats:

Now you can archive your tweets in any way you want.

Etienne Posthumus's avatar Etienne Posthumus shared 1 year, 6 months ago

Interested in the computational use of library & museum collections? Check out the “Collections as Data” international workshop announced for 2023. Individuals at all levels of experience - from all regions of the world - are highly encouraged to apply!

Etienne Posthumus's avatar Etienne Posthumus shared 1 year, 6 months ago

Visiting our colleagues at Yad Vashem to discuss questions on archival, digitization, analysis and data integration for project Wiedergutmachung #bmf #bundesarchiv #labw #holocaust

Hall of Names at Yad Vashem, Istael

The fact that the people I follow and their tweets/toots/honks are all stored on my own server that I control, plus the software that I use to view them, could lead to all kinds of wonderful possibilities that were just not there in a service run by others.

My head is bursting with ideas for features I want to add. 🥳 Exciting.

I wonder if someone is sharing a gigantic key-value lookup of


handles somewhere.

The key would be to not have one for "the whole world" but a graph seeded by a number of your own followers. I guess seeing that at this stage the "following/followers" lists are still open for most users on ActivityPub servers, one could build such a thing.

I really like the Fediverse experience so far. I don't follow any celebrities, journalists or politicians. And even now, with a very small circle, it is once again much less fluff and back to real conversations.