Wonder what carrots we could dangle to convince more people to make the switch to doing stuff in the Fediverse?

(and to start posting questions or interesting stuff)

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@epoz an easily understandable onboarding process should be the nr. 1 priority.

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@lottebelice@mstdn.social tricky.

That assumes using the same client/platform/server. It's back like when we were trying to teach people to use email or web browsers.

If I think about this too much just gonna get despondent. There will be yet another "winner takes all" - or staying on Twitter after all because "that's where the eyeballs are"

Keep the faith! (I am pep-talking to myself)


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@epoz It doesn’t assume that. Just better explanation and a couple of good examples. There was way too much text I had to go through about the underlying principles which almost made me not join. I needed some people to explain “just pick a server and this is how you follow people” and I was fine.